- XPN World

This program is recommended for active men. By active, we hear a man who trains and cardio 3 to 4 times a week. This man works 30 to 40 hours a week.



App. 6 h 00 a.m.

1 to 2 cups of berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mures) + 2-3 whole eggs + 3-4 egg whites OR 200 gr of meat to choose from (turkey, chicken, fish, beef or wild meat ex: bison, horse) OR 2 slices of bread (gluten free) with jam light + 2 scoops from Whey-X (if not Lactose intolerant) OR Iso Xtrem in water OR 8-12 egg whites + 2 cups berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mures)


App. 9 h 00 a.m.

2 scoops from Whey-X (if not Lactose intolerant) or Iso Xtrem in water + 1 fruit (avoid banana if possible)


App. 12 h 00 p.m.

1 cup cooked basmati rice OR 200 gr sweet potato + 3 cups vegetables ((With glycemic index below 40) see table on internet) + 200 gr of meat of choice ex.: (turkey, chicken, fish, beef or wild meat ex.: bison, horse) + 1 teaspoon of olive oil or grape seed oil


App. 15 h 00 p.m.

15-20 nuts of your choice + 200 gr of meat OR 2 scoops Whey-X or from Iso Xtrem in water


App. 18 h 00 p.m.

Meat of choice at will ex.: (turkey, chicken, fish, beef or wild meat ex.: bison, horse) + Vegetables (with glycemic index below 40) see table on internet) + 1 teaspoon olive oil or grape seed oil


Vegetables (With glycemic index below 40)) see table on internet) + White meat maximum 150-200 gr

  1. Gluten free food as often as possible
  2. Water, Water, Water...
  3. No sweet drinks of juice with added sugar. GO for diet sweet drinks or real fruit juice. (moderately)
  4. You can change Whey or Iso protein by the rice protein or the beef protein from XPN
  5. Cheat meal are allowed but but gluten free
  6. Want more results? Go for an intolerance test assesment
  1. Multivitamins 2 at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. Epa Dha 2-3 at breakfast, lunch and dinner
  3. Glutamine 10grs in the morning and 10 grs before sleep
  4. Probiotic 2 before sleep
  5. Protein Whey-X (If not lactose intolerant) OR Iso Xtrem OR Pure Rice OR Pure Beef XPN

If high intensity training:

  1. Pre-training Xtrem 1 scoop avant entrainement
  2. Pure Bcaa 2 scoops during training
  3. Post-Trainning Xtrem 1 scoop after training

Si entraînement endurance ajouter:

  1. Delta charge 1 scoop avant, 1 scoop pendant, 1 scoop après l'entraînement
  2. Pure Bcaa 2-3 scoop pendant l'entraînement

Veuillez prendre note que toute personne commençant une diète devrais consulter son médecin ou un professionnel de la santé